Iwan Arinugroho. 09081002. The Effect of the Teacher’s Leadership, Service Quality Academic and Administration and Student’s Satisfaction to Student’s Loyalty Vocational High School Taman Karya Madya Teknik Kebumen. Thesis. The Post Graduate Program in Management Education.Tamansiswa Sarjanawiyata Yogyakarta University. Year 2011
The research intends to analyze the effect of teacher’s leadership variables, Service Quality Academic and Administration and Student’s Satisfaction to Student’s Loyalty Vocational High School Taman Karya Madya Teknik Kebumen.
This research was conducted by survey method, data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 339 respondents. The population in this study is the student of SMK Taman Madya Kebumen Work began the school year 2008 / 2009 until the school year 2010 / 2011, as many as 2195 students. Determination of the number of samples in this research using the Slovin formula and the number of the study sample is a number of 339 students. Data were analyzed by using Statistical Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16 with multiple regression analysis and Pearson correlation.
Relative contribution given by the variable teacher’s leadership on student’s loyalty is equal to 32.7%, the relative contribution given by the variable quality of academic services and student’s loyalty amounted to 17.8% and the relative contribution given by the variable student’s satisfaction the loyalty of students amounted to 49.5% so the total relative contribution is 100%. Contributions Ownership given by the variable teacher leadership on student loyalty is equal to 20.07%, effective contribution given by the variable quality of academic and administrative services to the loyalty of students amounted to 10.93%, effective contribution given by the variable satisfaction students to the loyalty of students amounted to 30.4%, bringing the total contribution is 61.4% effective which means teacher leadership, quality of academic and administrative services and student satisfaction have an influence on student loyalty SMK Taman Madya Mechanical Works of 61.4% Kebumen.
Keywords: Teacher’s Leadership, Quality Services of Academic and Administration, Student’s Satisfaction, Students’s Loyalty
Lestari Kusumaningsih. 09081025. The Effect of Competence, Motivation, Education and the Work Environment on job performance of teachers in Private Junior High School’s Kebumen District.. Thesis. The Post Graduate Program in Management Education. Tamansiswa Sarjanawiyata University Yogyakarta. Year 2011
The research intends to determine the effect of the variables competencies of teachers , motivation, education, and work environment on job performance of teachers in Private junior high School’s Kebumen District.
The population in this research is teacher’s in Private junior high School’s Kebumen District. Determination of the number of samples in this study using the Slovin formula and the number of the research sample was of 95 teachers. Sampling method used was simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using Statistical Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16 with multiple regression analysis and cross-product.
From the results the competence of teachers have contributed significantly to job performance. The relative contribution given by the variable of teachers competencies to the job performance amounted to 27.3%, the relative contribution given by the variable of job performance motivation amounted to 34.4%, the relative contribution given by the education variable of job performance is amounting to 21.2% and the relative contribution given by the environment variable of the job performance is 17.1% so the total relative contribution is 100%. The effective contribution given by the variable of teachers competencies to the job performance was by 18.4%, effective contribution given by the variable motivation of the job performance is 23.1%, effective contribution given by the education variable of work performance is amounting to 24.2% and the effective contribution given by the environment variable of the job performance is 11.5% effective so that the total contribution is 67.2%, from the calculation of the relative contributions and donations can be expressed effectively in a row variables that provide the most impact is the motivation, competence, education and the smallest influence is the work environment variables.
Keyword: Competence, Motivation, Education, Work Environment, Job performance
Muhadisin's ABSTRACT
Muhadisin. S810908521. The effect of Usages Interaction Motion Picture Media to Achievement of Electrical Automotive Competency Seen of Student First Ability High of Vocation School Of Kebumen. Thesis. The Graduate Program in Education Technology, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Year 2009
This research objectives are to know: (1) Whether or not an effect by using interactive motion picture’s media with the still picture’s media on the student’s electrical automotive achievement. (2). Whether or not the difference of effect between high student first ability and low student first ability on the achievement electrical automotive competency. (3). Whether or not the interaction effect between learning models and student first ability on the achievement of student electrical automotive.
This research used an experimental method, it was conducted in State High Vocation School 2 Kebumen and State High Vocation School 1 Gombong. Its population consist of Vocation High School of Kebumen grade XI Automotives Mechanic Technique students. The sampling’s technique used the multistage cluster random sampling technique. The data were gathered by means of testing methods, namely: student test first ability, the achievement of automotive electrical competency test, in theory test and practice test. The data were analyzed by using two way analysis of variance (anova) with the prerequisite test of normally test and variance homogenity test at 5% significance level.
Based on the result of the research, shows that : (1). There is a significant effect usages interactive motion picture’s media with still picture’s media on the achievement of students automotive electrical competency. Its shown by Fcount = 18,011 larger than Ftable = 6,88 of significance level of 5 %, indicating that proposed hypothesis is verified. (2) there is a significant difference of effect between the students with the high first ability and students with the low first ability on the achievement of automotive electrical competency. Its shown by Fcount = 23,552 larger than Ftable = 6,88 of significance level of 5 %, indicates that proposed of hypothesis is verified. (3) There is a significant interaction of using media and student’s first ability on the achievement of students automotive electrical competency. Its known with Fcount = 7,330 larger than Ftable = 6,88 of significance level of 5 %, indicates that proposed of hypothesis is verified